Council meeting minutes April 4, 2011

Daniel Town Council Meeting

Monday, April 4, 2011 at 5:30 PM

Wasatch County Services Building, North Conference Room

55 South 500 East, Heber City, UT

Quorum present: Mayor Michael Duggin, Council members Eric Bunker, Kasey Bateman, Jon Blotter, and Chip Turner were all present at 5:37 PM when Mayor Duggin called the regularly scheduled meeting to order.   Recorder Merry Duggin was present to record the minutes.

Members of the public in attendance: Lambert Deegan, Darin Bunker, Tyrell Jensen, Tom Rawlings, Ryan Taylor, John Glodowski, Kim Norris, Darwin McGuire, Gary Weight, Gary Walton, and Blaine Smith.

1) PUBLIC COMMENT:  Council member Jon Blotter asked if Town of Daniel had been invited to participate in the Cowboy Poetry funding.  Council member Bunker noted that we had not.  Later in the meeting Mr. Blaine Smith stated that he thought it would be a good gesture for Town of Daniel to donate to certain private causes if requested.  Mr. Tom Rawlings asked if Daniel had been asked to help fund the Heber Valley Railroad.  Mayor Duggin replied that the Town had not received a request for funding.


Council member Bunker requested that agenda item 2 be changed to read “would like us to consider” and “attached to” to be changed to “within”.  Council member Bunker then moved that the minutes be approved with those changes.  The motion seconded by Council member Bateman was approved unanimously by the Council.


PLANNING   Council member and Planning Director Bunker reported that 2 permits for agricultural buildings had been issued, and the Planning Commission is working on the caretaker dwelling ordinance.

After researching impact fees requirements, Mr. Bunker believes that we have adequately complied with the statute by adopting the Wasatch County fee schedule.  We need to hold impact fees in an interest bearing account, and we will have 6 years in which to actually use the funds for impacts.  Council member Turner moved to leave the impact fee schedule in place and retain any fees already collected for impacts.  Council member Bateman seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion on the issue, the Council voted unanimously to approve the motion.


Recorder Merry Duggin reported that the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) has informed Town of Daniel that if they receive at least $200,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding, the Town will receive an additional $50,000 to be used in the replacement of water lines on Mill Road or 3000 South.  But MAG will not know the extent of funding until at least the end of April.  Meanwhile, Mayor Duggin reminded the Council that the Utah Drinking Water Board has offered to Town of Daniel a loan/grant package of $340,000 to complete our project under the same terms extended to the Town in the previous transaction of half grant ($170,000).  The other $170,000 would be in the form of a loan with no interest, but a technical assistance fee of 0.5% would be assessed.  The total loan repayment would be approximately $6,000 per year in addition to the $39,000 on the previous loan for a total of approximately $45,000 payment per year on the loans combined.

Darwin McGuire asked if the monthly service charges for water customers will go up if we accept the new loan.  Mayor Duggin responded that it might raise the price $4-6 per month, but at the end of the project the system will be completely replaced except for Big Hollow Road and the line running from the pump station to Little Sweden Road.

Council member Bunker pointed out that the last two lines to be replaced (Mill Road and  upper 3000 South) are believed to be 6” transite pipe, and he would like to replace them.

Mr. Kim Norris noted that if we don’t take this opportunity now we could be looking at a major expense to replace these lines in the future, and the Town would have to borrow the funds at much less beneficial rates and terms.

Mr. Ryan Taylor reported that TNT General Contracting has vocally agreed to abide by their bid except for increases in the cost of fuel and pipe.

John Glodowski stated that it would be cheaper to do this project now, and we should lock in the price as soon as possible.

Darwin McGuire asked if Daniel Municipal Water is trying to connect new customers to help pay for the upgrades.  Mr. Kim Norris replied that they will be talking to everyone along the lines scheduled for replacement to encourage new customers to hook up as the new line goes in.  Mr. McGuire would like to have all Town residents paying a fee to assist in the cost since all the residents on the lines will have the advantage of fire flows for the first time.  Mayor Duggin replied that he did not believe that it would legal to levy such a charge.  Other persons present wondered if we could charge a resident after using the hydrant to battle a fire.  Mayor Duggin responded that we should look into that.

At the end of the discussion, Mayor Duggin asked for a straw poll of those present to see who would be in favor of proceeding with the new loan.  No one indicated opposition.

RECORDER’S OFFICE:  Recorder Merry Duggin presented warrants that had been sent to the Town in March for approval.  Council member Blotter moved that the warrants be approved.  Council member Turner seconded the motion.  The vote to approve was unanimous.  Ms. Duggin also informed the Council that WDLA has filed a notice of appeal in the Fourth District and Third District Court decisions concerning the annexation / incorporation litigation, but the docketing statement has not yet been filed.

COORDINATION UPDATE:  Mayor Duggin reminded the Council of the meeting scheduled for April 5 at 3 PM in the State Capitol chaired by Mr. Michael Mower, Office of Planning and Budget.  Council member Bunker removed himself from the meeting to avoid any sort of conflict in this issue.  Mayor Duggin then went on to present a short version of his statement to be made at the coordination meeting.


All Town business having been concluded, Council member Turner moved to adjourn.  Council member Bateman seconded the motion.  The Council voted unanimously to adjourn, and Mayor Duggin dismissed the meeting at 7:05 PM.

Merry Duggin,


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