Council meeting minutes March 7, 2011

Daniel Town Council Meeting

Monday, March 7, 2011 at 5:30 PM

Wasatch County Services Building, North Conference Room

55 South 500 East, Heber City, UT

Quorum present: Mayor Michael Duggin, Council members Eric Bunker, Kasey Bateman, and Chip Turner were all present at 5:30 PM when Mayor Duggin called the regularly scheduled meeting to order.   Council member Jon Blotter arrived at 5:37 PM.  Recorder Merry Duggin was present to record the minutes.

Members of the public in attendance: John Glodowski, Kim Norris, Lambert Deegan, Sherri Price, Gary Walton, Gary Weight, Shelly Bunker.

1) PUBLIC COMMENT:  There were no public comments.


Mayor Duggin indicated that he had several questions on this issue including square footage, separate access, driveway access, deed restriction, location of the additional dwelling, and architectural similarity to the main dwelling.  With so many questions, he felt that the Council should proceed slowly with any new ordinance.  Council member Bateman suggested a maximum square footage of 1200 and wondered if the dwelling should be attached to the main house.  John Glodowski suggested that up to 1,500 square feet should be adequate.  Council member Turner would not want to rely only upon Wasatch County Health regulations to limit the size of the dwelling. Council members Bunker and Bateman replied that any additional dwelling would necessitate redoing the septic system to bring it up to code.  Council member Blotter would like to not even consider care taker dwellings because it would be too hard to control. Mr. Kim Norris agreed that he sees no need for this sort of ordinance in Daniel at this point, but Council member Bunker has been approached by at least 4 residents requesting that the Town Council consider allowing care taker dwellings and would like us to consider their property rights. Mr. Ryan Taylor suggested using lot size to limit care taker dwellings.  Mr. Gary Weight felt that Town of Daniel would be diluting its zoning if it adopts such an ordinance.  Council member Bunker noted that an additional dwelling is currently allowed by our code if it is within the main structure.

Council member Turner moved to NOT allow care taker dwellings at this time.  The motion seconded by Council member Blotter failed.  Council members Blotter and Turner voted aye, but Mayor Duggin and Council members Bateman and Bunker voted nay.

Council member Turner then moved to ask the Planning Commission to study the issue.  Council member Bateman seconded the motion, and the Council voted to send the issue to Planning.  Only Council member Blotter voted nay.


PLANNING:  Planning Director Bunker reported that the lessee at the Cummings Hwy 40 property has ceased the trucking operation that was not compliant with the historical use and is now using the shop on the property as a mechanic shop.

DANIEL MUNICIPAL WATER:  Mr. Gary Walton and Kim Norris reported that the water usage over the winter months was more than expected.  The users have been accustomed to let their water trickle to keep the lateral lines from freezing.  Mr. Norris noted that some users may need to work on the lines to their homes if they fear that they will freeze.  It was agreed that allowing water to trickle all winter to avoid freezing is not a long term solution because too much water is wasted.

Recorder Merry Duggin presented a Notice to Disconnect form and Application for Service form and requested comment on these forms from the Council.  Minor changes were suggested, and Ms. Duggin will send the amended forms to the Town attorney for his approval.

RECORDER’S OFFICE:  After Recorder Merry Duggin asked for approval of the warrants presented to Town of Daniel in February 2011, Council member Blotter moved to approve payment of the warrants.  Council member Bateman seconded the motion, and the Council voted unanimously to approve.

Ms. Duggin reported that the deficiencies noted in the 2010 audit have been corrected except for the one impact fee and asked for permission to refund that fee to the homeowner.  Council member Bunker requested a one month delay before this action is taken.

COORDINATION COMMITTEE:  New rounds of letter were mailed to establish a coordination meeting, and we are awaiting response.  Donations have been received from members of the community to fund this effort.


Council member Blotter noted that he could not both make a motion and second it, and he asked that the record be corrected.  Recorder Merry Duggin agreed that the correction would be made.    Council member Blotter moved to approve the minutes as altered by his request.  Council member Turner seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote. 


Council member Turner moved to adjourn.  With Council member Blotter’s second, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:00 PM.

Merry Duggin,


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