December 6, 2021 Town Council Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Wasatch County Services Building
55 South 500 East, Conference Room B
Heber City, UT 84032

Quorum Present: Pro Tem Mayor Eric Bunker, Council members Stefanie Grady, John Glodowski, and Merry Duggin. Sherri Price, Treasurer. Council member Barbara Norris was excused.

Members of the Public: Ryan Taylor (T-O Engineers), Tristi Bunker, Jill Bonner, Lynne Shindurling, Pam Skinner.
Mayor Bunker called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM

Pam Skinner thanked Council members Glodowski and Grady for their service to the Town for the past four years and for the difference they made. She stated she hopes in the future the elected council members will keep Daniel different and unique from other towns in the valley. She asks future council members to maintain the course.
Mayor Eric Bunker asked if there are any other comments. There were none.

2) TOWN ORDINANCE: DO 2021-12-06.
Mayor Bunker read the ordinance in its entirety. This schedule publishes the dates of meetings for Town Council, Planning Commission, and Board of Adjustments for 2022. Council member Duggin asked that the July meeting also be included in exceptions for federal holidays as the 4th falls on a Monday. The July meeting will be held on July 11th.
Council member Duggin made a motion to approve DO 2021-12-6 meeting schedule with the correction, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Bunker, Council members Grady, Duggin, and Glodowski. The motion carried.

Mayor Bunker presented the Bush Family Farm conditional use for review and signature, which includes more extensive fire restrictions. He stated the Bushes have signed the conditional use. If there are no corrections or additions, Mayor Bunker asked for a motion.
Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the Bush Family Farm conditional use, seconded by Council member Grady. FOR: Mayor Bunker, Council members Grady, Duggin and Glodowski. The motion carried.

NEW: No new licenses.
RENEWALS: Connor Heating & Air LLC, Coleman Trucking, Jill’s Hairstyling, Computer Nerds, and Grady Enterprises.
Council member Grady made a motion to approve all renewal licenses, seconded by Council member Duggin. FOR: Mayor Bunker, Council members Grady, Duggin, and Glodowski.

Mayor Bunker stated that the water department is having more meters fail. Ryan Taylor had spoken previously about the end of life for some batteries. Mayor Bunker stated 17 meters didn’t read, possibly affected by cold weather. The new council will have to address possible replacement and there may still be some that will fail under the warranty.
Ryan Taylor stated there is some additional testing that needs to be done, such as disinfection and byproducts. He stated as they come due the testing will be done. Mayor Bunker the springs are doing great.

Ryan Taylor said the same thing here, lead and copper tests must be done. They’ve set up the protocol to test 10 homes.
Mayor Bunker plans on putting T-posts up around the well.
Council member Glodowski asked if anyone has applied for the water position. Mayor Bunker indicated there has been some interest expressed, but no applications.

Mayor Bunker stated he had some changes and would like to request the corrections be made to the minutes. Council member Duggin provided a copy of the red-line draft for review by all council members.
Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for November 1, 2021 with corrections, seconded by Council member Duggin. FOR: Mayor Bunker, Council members Glodowski, Grady, and Duggin. The motion carries.

8) RECORDER’S OFFICE: Warrant approval, announcements, etc.
Mayor Bunker presented the warrants to the council and reviewed them in detail.
Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the November 2021 warrants, seconded by Mayor Bunker, open for discussion.
Council member Grady stated that the Council didn’t approve Ms. Snyder’s pay for October last month and she won’t approve them this month. Council member Glodowski mentioned Mayor Pro Tem Bunker has not accepted the mayor’s wages during the time he has served as mayor and that washes with what Ms. Snyder is charging. This all may change next month with a new mayor and council. He stated, “What a mess; what a mess.” He further stated Mayor Bunker isn’t getting paid a wage for serving as mayor. If there is a worry about money, it’s a wash. That should take care of compensation to Ms. Snyder. There might be some legal problems that will cost the Town more than her wages.
Council member Duggin stated the job title is clerk/recorder. There is a clerk side of it and there is a recorder side of it, which includes attending meetings, taking minutes, producing the minutes. She has declined to do it. She is not here again tonight. Council member Duggin had asked previously if there is a different wage to be considered and asked Mayor Bunker if he had attempted to negotiate with her. He stated he did and she doesn’t feel she needs to negotiate down. But in the interest of moving things forward, she will accept $1,800 per month. That’s the $200 the Planning secretary gets for doing the Planning minutes.
Mayor Bunker stated he had forgotten there was such a motion made at the previous meeting until he reviewed the minutes. Upon seeing that motion he met with Ms. Snyder after Saturday to discuss such a negotiation.
Council member Glodowski stated he thinks that’s more than fair. The new mayor and council can do whatever needs to be done and go from there.
Pam Skinner asked if the public could comment and stated, “I don’t disagree with just letting it go, but as a citizen of Daniel I have quite a bit of heartburn about her holding an axe over the Town’s head.” She further stated It’s old news now and let bygones be bygones, but well remembered for her personally that this did not feel good; it was not the right thing to do, in her opinion. She feels the Town has been held hostage by Ms. Snyder.
Council member Grady stated she made an offer last month to pay her $1,500 a month that she thought was fair, and she would like to put that back out on the table. She stated she thinks she should be paid something.
Council member Glodowski stated where Ms. Snyder said she would accept $1,800 and it’s a wash, let’s just move on and accept that.
With there being no more discussion, the motion stands and Mayor Bunker called for the vote. For: Mayor Bunker and Council member Glodowski; Against: Council members Grady and Duggin. Motion failed.
Mayor Bunker asked if there is an alternative motion. Council member Glodowski said he’d volunteer the mayor’s wages that the mayor didn’t accept to go to her. Council member Grady stated Mr. Bunker declined the mayor’s wages when he took over the position so this shouldn’t even be a discussion. Council member Duggin stated in addition, per the Town code, he can only accept the higher salaried position.
Council member Duggin stated that she did do the CDBG meeting minutes as well and those need to be approved. Mayor Bunker asked for a motion.
Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the First CDBG Public Hearing minutes of November 1, 2021, seconded by Council member Glodowski. FOR: Mayor Bunker, Council members Grady, Duggin and Glodowski. The motion carried.
Mayor Bunker indicated that he would like to read two letters from two different attorneys regarding the clerk’s pay based on withholding pay. He read the first from Todd Godfrey with the Utah League of Cities and Towns into the record. Council member Duggin stated that there was not a refusal to pay but she wanted a negotiated wage. Mayor Bunker stated that he provided the negotiated wage to which the motion was not approved. He then read a second letter into the record from the Town’s attorney.
Jill Bonner asked why he won’t let the volunteers do the job for free. Mayor Bunker replied that it is at the mayor’s discretion to appoint a clerk, with the advice and consent of the Council.
Council member Duggin asked that it be put in the record that the Mayor did not share the letters from the attorneys regarding pay for Mary Snyder with the Council members from the time he received them on December 2nd until the meeting date of December 6th.
Council member Duggin made a motion “to pay the woman,” seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Bunker, Council members Duggin and Glodowski. Against: Council member Grady. Motion carries.
Mayor Bunker asked to include a water assessment in the November warrants from Timpanogos Irrigation that was sent to Chip Turner’s address in error.
Council member Glodowski made a motion to include the Timpanogos Irrigation assessment in the warrants, seconded by Council member Duggin. For: Mayor Bunker, Council members Grady, Duggin and Glodowski. The motion carries.

No closed session was held.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council member Duggin. FOR: Mayor Bunker, Council members Grady, Glodowski, and Duggin.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Prepared by Lynne Shindurling, Clerk/Recorder

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