Town Council meeting minutes August 5, 2019

Daniel Town Council Meeting
Monday August 5, 2019, 6 pm
Wasatch County Service Complex,
Conference Room B
55 S 500 E, Heber City, UT 84032

Town Council Quorum: Mayor Chip Turner, Council members, Eric Bunker, Jon Blotter, Stefanie Grady and John Glodowski. Clerk Mary Snyder present for minutes.

Member of public: Shelley Bunker, Kayleen Richter, Brian Richter, Lynne Shindurling, Myrna Vernon, Marsha Birch, Jana Bush, Wyatt Bush, Ryan Taylor, Steve Webb, Susan Kohler, Jaylene Bennett, Codianne Lance, Landon Lance, Darlene Luke, Debbie Whiting,

1) PUBLIC COMMENT: Marsha Birch was present to express her concerns of the dust created by the construction trucks entering and exiting the property next door to her.

Jana and Wyatt Bush were present to find out about the process of building permits. Mrs. Bush stated that they would like to build an apartment above the garage with access to the apartment through the garage. This would be for their children to come home to, not as a rental. Council members stated that per the code 8-07-7, would require a conditional use application and as of this time there is a moratorium until November 2019.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to enter the public hearing, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor at 6:10 PM.

2) PUBLIC HEARING: Employee Compensation Schedule:
Mayor Turner stated that there was a suggested increase of 3%, but that there were certain individuals that needed further review of wages as well.

Water Secretary Shelly Bunker stated that most people are leaving their full-time jobs to cover town business. She asked Council to please consider this factor when reviewing wages.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Council member Blotter. All members in favor at 6:17 PM.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to increase wages 3% across the board, seconded by Council member Grady.

Upon discussion, Council member Blotter stated that there should possible be a review of workloads. He stated that the Town is paying Council Bunker and the Engineering firm to complete the same work and inquired if that was necessary. Ryan Taylor stated that it is not redundant, as the two sets of eyes are looking for different things during the process of applications.
Council member Grady stated that she took an average of 140 hours calculated at $20.00 per hour, for a total of $2800.00 per month. She stated that with his current wages and giving a 3% would only give him $2575.00 per month.

Council member Bunker stated that the water guys also put in a lot of hours and the town would be paying a lot more if we had to hire two full-time guys.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to increase the water guys to $25.00 per hour and Eric Bunker to $3500.00, all remaining Council member increase 3% and Shelly Bunker to $20.00 per hour.

Upon further discussion, Lynne Shindurling stated that she would like to see a report of Shelly Bunkers hours, daily. She further stated that no water secretary has put in as many hours as Shelly is claiming to work.

Council member Glodowski amended his motion to increase Eric Bunker to $3500.00 per month plus his hours. Motion failed due to lack of a second.

Council member Grady made a motion to increase Eric Bunker to $2800.00 per month, seconded by Council member Glodowski.

Council member Blotter stated that with the increase, he felt that Council member Bunker needed to have more available hours than one (1) day per week.

Mayor Turner called for the vote: Mayor Turner, Council members Blotter, Grady and Glodowski in favor, Council member Bunker abstained.

Shelly Bunker stated that when she took the position that there were certain responsibilities that were not being taken care that she is now doing. She stated that she is monitoring the water testing and sampling of the drinking water, handling numerous phone calls, complaints, billing issues and other items that are time consuming.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to increase Daniel Municipal Water to $560.00 per month and Storm Haven to $250.00 per month. Mayor Turner, Council members Grady, Blotter and Glodowski in favor, Council member Bunker abstained.

Council member Grady stated that there needed to be a review for Recorder/Clerk Mary Snyder and asked about hours that she is working. Mary Snyder stated that she does not track her hours. She further stated that she deals with walk-ins, phone calls and other items that are to hard to track. She further stated that she is fine with the 3% increase. Council member Grady stated that she felt with the recent years increase in events, that the position needed to have an increase.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to increase Mary Snyder to $2200.00 per month. Motion failed due to lack of a second.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to increase Mary Snyder to $2000.00 per month, seconded by Council member Grady. Mayor Turner, Council members Grady, Glodowski, and Bunker approved, Council member Blotter against. Motion to pass.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to increase all water hourly employees to $25.00 per hour, all remaining Council Member, Planning Commissioners increase 3%. This was seconded by Council member Bunker. Mayor Turner, Council member Bunker, Grady, Glodowski in favor, Council member Blotter against.

3) Possible adoption Employee Compensation Schedule: DO-2019-08-05 B
Council member Grady made a motion to approve DO 2019-08-05 B in reference to the approved employee’s compensation, seconded by Council member Glodowski. All members in favor.

4) Approval Resolution to cancel November 2019 Election: DR 2019-08-05 A
Council member Blotter made a motion to approve DR 2019-08-05 A, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

New: High Mountain Waste Mgmt, Daybreak Pasture LLC, Guys Services
High Mountain Waste Management to be placed on the September agenda for review.

Daybreak Pasture LLC- Kayleen Richter was present and stated that they did a test run with a vendor and it went well. She also stated that the hours have been revised.

Guy Services, no one was present to discuss they type of business. Clerk will make contact with the owner to see if someone would be available to come to the next meeting.

Council member Grady made a motion to issue the business license, seconded by Council member Glodowski. All members in favor.

Renewals: Heber Valley Storage (new owners)
Margo Cowley was present to discuss the new ownership. She stated that they bought the whole parcel and do lease spaces of the storage units. They plan to operate the same business.

Council member Bunker stated that storage units are an ancillary to the front business and therefore this was how the prior owner was able to approve the building.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to renewal the business license based on the same criteria, second by Council member Grady. All members were in favor.

Council member Grady made a motion to approve Splash & Bounce renewal with the same uses as issued, seconded by Council member Blotter. All member in favor.


Council member Blotter made a recommendation for Council to look closer at the shares. Ryan Taylor suggested to look at the master plan and compare the number of build outs. Council member Bunker made a recommendation to have Sherri look at the water funds that would be available to keep the water within the Town.

Water Secretary Shelly Bunker stated that they have had major issues with the meter reader again. She stated that she may have to send minimal water billing to get the billing out on time and then will double water billing for September, which could be a concern if there are high usages.

Another pump has gone down and had to be repaired. For the new well, we are waiting on the DQ to approve the testing.

Change orders were submitted to the Clerk and need to be signed. Change order number one (1) was to decrease the contract amount to match the funds being received. Change order number two (2) was to update the bid quantities and equipment. Change order number three (3) was for the well equipment and connections.

Council member Blotter made a motion to approved and sign all change orders, seconded by Council member Glodowski. All members in favor.


Council member Blotter made a motion to approve the June 3, 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Council member Bunker. All members in favor.

Council member Bunker made a motion to approve the July 1, 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

11) RECORDER’S OFFICE: Warrants approval, announcements, etc:

Council member Blotter made a motion to approve the warrants, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to close regular session and enter closed session for legal issues. This was seconded by Council member Blotter. All members in favor at 8:48 PM.

12) POSSIBLE CLOSED SESSION: Legal issues, Property acquisition

Council member Blotter made a motion to end regular sessions and enter closed sessions, seconded by Council member Bunker at 8:12PM. All members in favor.

Council member Blotter made a motion to end closed session and re-enter regular session, seconded by Council member Grady at 8:53 PM. All members in favor.

Council member Blotter made a motion to approve one-night rental, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

Council member Blotter made a motion to approve the purchase of a new phone for the office, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

Council member Blotter made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor at 9:15 PM.

Mary Snyder

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