Planning Commission minutes April 20, 2016

Daniel Town Planning Meeting

Wednesday April 20th, 2016 at 7:00 PM 

A quorum is present: Chairman Eric Bunker, Commissioners Gary Weight, Jaye Binkerd, Diane Grose, Tom Rawlings, and Pam Skinner were all present. Commissioner Norris was excused. Chairman Bunker called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

Ryan of Epic Engineering is present. 

1.  Public comment concerning any issue not on the agenda.

There were no public comments.

2. Daniel Plaza- Mike Peterson – Site plan, approval for infrastructure installation.

Mike Peterson wanted to let the Planning Commission know the he was moving ahead on his site with installing utilities etc.

3. Small Subdivision approval for Tom and Vicky Sproule

Ryan of Epic Engineering passed around a staff report concerning the Sproule small Subdivision plan. After looking it over and some discussion, Commissioner Grose made a motion to approve this small scale subdivision with the incorporation of items 2,3, & 4 as outlined in Ryan’s staff report. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Skinner and the vote was unanimous.

4. Chairman Bunker presented updates on the following:

Lot line adjustment- Gerald Smith & Nick Frost of Wrona Law Offices concerning

the easement for Storm Haven, presented by the Planning Commission, is now in the hands of the lawyers. An Ag permit was issued for Melvin Kohler.

Bids on the new elementary school water lines our now out.

Eric shared a letter he wrote concerning a Wasatch Mobile Home Park resident violation.

The recommendation letter sent to the Town Council concerning the Corridor Preservation of 189 and 3000 S interchange was denied.

The Town Council denied the recommendation letter sent concerning flag lots.

5. Review of what constitutes a non-conforming business outside of commercial zone areas – continued from Feb 17, 2016 meeting

Chairman Bunker referred to a handout concerning “Town Code 8.25 Home Occupation” that can be found on the town website at:

 6. Approval of minutes of Feb 17th, 2016

With one spelling correction Commissioner Weight moved to approve the minutes of Feb 17th, 2016 with Commissioner Binkerd seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

7. Adjourn: Commissioner Grose moved to adjourn the meeting with Commissioner Skinner seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried. 

Kathy-Jo Percy, Secretary

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