Planning Commission minutes April 15, 2015


Wednesday 15 April 2015

A Quorum is present: Chairman Eric Bunker, Commissioners Jaye Binkerd, Blaine Smith, Pam Skinner, and Gary Weight are present. Commissioner Norris was absent.

Ryan Taylor of Epic Engineering is present.

Public in attendance: Josh Knowles, Cindy Wilde, and Larvin ?

Chairman Bunker called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

1- Public comment (limit to 2 minutes please) for any item of concern from the public


2- Wilde Lot Line Adjustment Application

Ryan Taylor handed everyone the Epic Engineering analysis report and explained that Bart and Cindy  Wilde want to adjust a middle lot line boundary by moving the line a few feet.

Motion: Commissioner Weight moved to recommend  preliminary approval for the Bart and Cindy Wilde lot line adjustment pending completion of items 3,4,& 5 on the Epic Engineering analysis report and that the easement be added  to the plat map as item # 6. Commissioner Binkerd seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

  1. Daniel Town Planning Director Report

Updates: An agricultural permit for the Johnson’s on 3000 S was approved. On April 14th the School District presented future plans for the elementary to be built on 3000 S. It will look like Old Mill Elementary but would have the office at the center of the front entrance. The corridor preservation on Hwy 189 was discussed as was the bypass road.

  1. Approval of minutes from 18 February 2015

Commissioner Binkerd moved to approve the minutes of 18 February 2015 with Commissioner Weight seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.        

  1. Motion to adjourn

Commissioner Smith moved to adjourn with Commissioner Skinner seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried. 

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Kathy-Jo Percy: Secretary

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