DR 2010-01-04A Appointing Planning Commissioners 2010-14


Number: DR-2010-01-04A

Appr. Date: January 4, 2010

Effect. Date: January 4, 2010

Short Title: Resolution appointing Daniel Town Planning Commission members for a 4 year term to run from January 2010 to January 2014.

Purpose: The purpose of this resolution is to appoint new Daniel Town Planning Commission members to a 4 year term from those persons who have made application for membership to the Commission.

Resolution: Be it resolved, accepted, and approved, by the governing legislative body of the Town of Daniel that the Town of Daniel, a political subdivision of the State of Utah, desires to appoint the following persons: Eric Bunker, Lynn T. “Boots” Chrisler, Kim Norris, and Jaye Binkerd, who having applied for membership to the Daniel Town Planning Commission do accept the position of Planning Commission Member for a period of 4 years, and who (above referenced) agree to abide by the ordinances established by the Daniel Town Council and by the bylaws established by the Daniel Town Planning Commission.

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Stat. Refs.: DMC Title 2, Section 2.01.03

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