DR 2008-01-01 Annexation Petition Parry/3600


Number: DR-2008-01-01
Appr. Date: 2008-01-07
Effect. Date: 2008-01-07
Short Title: Resolution granting municipal acceptance for further consideration of the Annexation Petition “Parry/3600” into the Town of Daniel.
Purpose: The purpose of this resolution is to preliminarily accept the Annexation Petition “Parry/3600”, which was filed with the Town Recorder’s office on December 7, 2007, and to authorize the certification and annexation petition review process by municipal officers.
Resolution: Be it resolved, accepted, approved, and/or ratified by the governing legislative body of the Town of Daniel that the Town of Daniel, a political subdivision of the State of Utah, desires to accept the above referenced Annexation Petition “Parry/3600” for further consideration as provided in Utah Code Annotated Section 10-2-405(1)(a)(i); a copy of the annexation petition (without the signature pages and attachments) is attached as Attachment A hereto, and that any and all officers of the Town are authorized, and prior actions of whom are hereby ratified, to fulfill their acts, duties, and obligations as set forth in Utah Code Annotated Section 10-2-401 et seq. with regard to their processing the Annexation Petition.

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Penalty: N/A.
Stat. Refs.: U.C.A. 10-2-401 et seq., 10-2-405(1)(a)(i).

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