DR 2007-08-01 Creation of State Sponsored Enterprise Zones


Number: DR-2007-08-01
Appr. Date: 2007-08-06
Effect. Date: 2007-08-06
Short Title: Resolution authorizing application for the creation of a state sponsored enterprise zone.
Purpose: The purpose of this resolution is to authorize the application for the creation of a state sponsored enterprise zone.
Resolution: Whereas, Daniel, Wasatch County, Utah (Daniel Town) desires to encourage and promote the creation of jobs and sustainable wages within the Town.
Whereas, The State of Utah, by and through the Governor’s Office of Economic Development empowers and authorizes Rural Counties to create an Enterprise Zone.
Whereas, Said Zones are established to encourage community investment.

Penalty: N/A.
Stat. Refs.: U.C.A. 10-2-401 et seq., 10-2-405(1)(a)(i).

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