Planning Commission minutes August 20, 2014


20 AUGUST 2014

A Quorum is present: Chairman Eric Bunker, Commissioner Gary Weight, Commissioner Jaye Binkerd, Commissioner Pam Skinner, and Commissioner Blaine Smith are present. Commissioner Kim Norris is excused.

Kyle Turnbow of Epic Engineering is present.

Public in attendance: Paul Berg, Richard Willes, Lynne Shindurling, John Glodowski.

Chairman Bunker called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

1- Public comment (limit 2 minutes please) for any item of concern from the public


2- Code update application: Add wedding facilities as a use in the RA-5 zone. Set public hearing.

Richard Willes consulted with Ryan Taylor of Epic Engineering concerning his desire to incorporate an event facility in his home on 3000 South. He has had numerous requests from people to have their wedding receptions in his home. He has a large space on the ground floor with living quarters above. There is plenty of parking space on the property to keep people from parking on the street. The property is connected to Daniel water. Ryan advised Richard to apply for a conditional use permit rather than a zone change. A conditional use allows the town to set conditions that allows the town to mitigate any problems that might arise and requires a public hearing. That is what Richard prefers as well.

Commissioner Binkerd moved to set the public hearing on September 8th at 7pm in conjunction with the Town Council, to discuss adding an event facility/wedding facility to the list of conditional uses in the RA5 zone. Commissioner Skinner seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

3- Amendments to the current zoning map recommendation.

There were no amendments.

4- Daniel Town Planning Director Report

Discussion with Paul Berg of Berg Engineering: He was there to represent Mike Peterson and find out what items needed addressing and taken care of before Mike’s next meeting with the Commission. The Commissioners would like further information on the lighting plans, the parking facilities, UDOT’s approval letter, questions answered concerning water and sewer, and approval from the Health Department concerning sewer which will be on a septic tank. They also need a letter from Twin Creeks Water concerning water use on this property. The Commission would also like an architectural drawing of the plan. Paul Berg did talk to UDOT concerning a letter of approval for a deceleration lane off Highway 40 to Mike’s property. UDOTs policy is not to issue anything until the project is complete. Paul will ask if they could send an email to Chairman Bunker concerning this issue.

Discussion concerning the Ritchie property on 3000 South: He wants to divide his 20 acres into 3 lots. There is adequate frontage for all three lots. This will be coming before the Planning Commission in the next meeting.

5- Council actions report: Report on action items that the Town council has or will be considering.

The Town Council upheld the subdivision of the Plummer property.

6- Approval of 18 June 2014 minutes

Amendments were made.

Commissioner Weight moved to approve the amended minutes with Commissioner Binkerd seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

7- Motion to adjourn.

Commissioner Smith moved to adjourn the meeting with Commissioner Weight seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Kathy-Jo Percy: Secretary

Comments are closed.