Planning Commission minutes April 16, 2008

Town of Daniel

Daniel Planning Review Board

Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2008

County Health Department

North Conference Room

7:00 pm

Quorum: Eric Bunker, Ed Pressgrove, Gary Weight, Francis Smith, Lynn Crisler

Eric Bunker called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

  1. Eric Bunker asked for Public Comments.
  2. There were none.
  3. Eric Bunker welcomed the new members of the Planning Board,
  4. Ed Pressgrove, Gary Weight and Barry Hobbs. Ed Pressgrove and

Gary Weight were sworn in. Barry Hobbs was not present.

  1. Mike Peterson – Building Concept Approval
  2. Eric Bunker explained Mike Peterson was not present because he

had not received UDOT approval.

  1. Annexation
  2. Eric Bunker told the Planning Board the Parry/3600 annexation had

been approved by the Town Council.

  1. He updated the Planning Board on WDLA. They have filed with the

4th District Court.

  1. Public Hearing
  2. Because the Public Hearing was closed at the Town Council

meeting, the Planning Board had to open it again.

  1. Motion – Gary Weight
  2. To open the Public Hearing
  3. Second – Ed Pressgrove
  4. Passed unanimous
  5. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:14 pm.
  6. Eric Bunker explained that A-K had been resolved at Town

Council. He updated the members on the overnight rental debate,

Town Council passed a resolution that overnight rentals are not


  1. Motion – Gary Weight
  2. To close the Public Hearing
  3. Second – Ed Pressgrove
  4. Passed unanimous
  5. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:19 pm.
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Open Space – John Blotter
  8. There is a new person in place and we will contact him when we

are ready to proceed. John will get the contact information to Gary

Weight, who will be the contact for the Planning Board.

  1. Water – Lynn Crisler
  2. There is nothing new.
  3. Chip Turner’s barn
  4. The County declared it was not an agricultural building

because of the size of his acreage. The County Attorney

agreed with the Town of Daniel code and the county issued

a permit.

  1. Minutes
  2. Motion – Lynn Crisler
  3. To accept as written
  4. Second – Francis Smith
  5. Passed unanimous
  6. Administrative
  7. Eric Bunker informed the Board the By-Laws were adopted and

they need to be signed and posted.

  1. The new code is on the Town website.
  2. Lynn Crisler informed the Board of the change in President of the

Irrigation District. The new president is Hugh Barker. There is one

open Board member slot.

  1. Gary Weight asked Eric for a list of the upcoming issues so the new

members could research. Eric listed:

  1. Boarding School
  2. legal number of students allowed
  3. ADA
  4. Challenge to RA-5 zone
  5. State licensure
  6. Adjourn
  7. Motion – Lynn Crisler
  8. To adjourn
  9. Second – Gary Weight
  10. Passed unanimous at 7:58 pm

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