Town Council Meeting Minutes March 2, 2020

Daniel Town Council Meeting
Monday March 2, 2020 @ 6 pm
Wasatch County Service Complex,
Conference Room B
55 S 500 E, Heber City, UT 84032

Town Council Quorum: Mayor Chip Turner, Council members: Eric Bunker, Stefanie Grady, John Glodowski and Merry Duggin. Treasurer Sherry Price-present; Clerk Mary Snyder present for minutes.

Member of public: Shelly Bunker, Ryan Taylor, Kasey Bateman, Lisa Dinga, Paul Dinga, Chris Pederson, Spencer Christison, Bruce Olsen, LeAna Olsen

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM by Mayor Turner, with audio as video recording will be late coming in.

No comments made

No member of Daniel Irrigation Company were present for discussion of agreement.

Council member Grady made a motion to enter continued public hearing, seconded by Council member Glodowski at 6:04 PM. All members in favor.

Kasey Bateman was present to represent Storm Haven residents. He stated that they had a good community meeting with the residents. The community was able to come up with a couple of ideas to help lessen the burden on the Town. First is a preventative maintenance program. The first step is to eliminate some of the contaminants from going into the septic system. The plan includes working with rental property owners, to inform their renters of the things that cannot go into the septic system.

The second idea is a scheduled maintenance to assess the tank in October to evaluate if it needs pumped prior to winter months and again in April prior to summer months with evaluations in between times. He stated that they are also looking into an interlocal agreement with Heber City or Wasatch County that could work with Storm Haven to assist with pumping the tank. There was a gentleman at their community meeting that works for Heber City that could not speak for the City but felt they would be willing to work with Storm Haven. Mayor Turner stated that the County also indicated they would be willing. The County does have a pumper truck, but the issue that they have ran into is that the truck is often unavailable or out of service.

Mr. Bateman advised the next issue is the repairs that are needing to be completed. The biggest issue is a pipe that is no longer level, is separated or been crushed. The community is proposing a $16.00 a month increase per residents for a total of $12,096.00 annually to cover 4 tank pumps per year, if needed. The community is also hoping the eliminate so many pump-outs per year, then as funds increase money accumulate, they could be put forth for initial repairs. Mr. Bateman stated that he spoke to LGM Construction in reference to getting some bids for the repairs. Mr. Bateman also indicated that he would like to donate time to help with getting this issue resolved. The recommendation is to scope the line, mark and GPS the bellies and issues in the line as they are found, and then address those issues as more revenue is available. Eventually the ideal plan would include an overhaul of the leach field, possible doing half one year and the other the following year.

Mr. Bateman asked if there were any impact fees in place for new hook-ups for new or existing properties. Mayor Turner asked Council member Bunker for clarification on a moratorium. Council member Bunker stated that if an individual is not current on monthly billing that would constitute a new hook-up and that it would not be allowed due to the moratorium of the system.

Lastly, Mr. Bateman stated that with the preventative maintenance schedule, if Gary needs assistance, he would be willing to help with the services. He asked if the impact fees that the Town receives could be used for this project. Council member Bunker stated that they could only be used for the areas they are collected for. Ryan Taylor further clarified stating that there is only a water impact fee and that it can’t be used for sewer. Also, if they do an interlocal agreement, it will cost $50.00 per 100 gallons to dump at the County Sewer Plant. They would like to obtain other bids from Pumping Companies to keep the cost down and do routine pumps.

Mayor Turner stated that he felt they had a great effective meeting and thanked Kasey for his time.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to end the public hearing, seconded by Council member Duggin at 6:18 PM. All members in favor.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to enter the continued public hearing, seconded by Council member Duggin at 6:18 Pm. All members in favor.

Mayor Turner stated that per the last meeting, contact with certain requested individuals such as the Sheriff were made, and the County is also looking forward to passing a similar Ordinance. Council member Duggin stated that she would like to coordinate with the County, if possible. Mayor Turner stated that he would like to pass the resolution tonight, because the Sheriff has given the approval to move forward. Mayor Turner stated that the county is a different entity and the town is not tied to specific entity. He then entertained a motion to close the public hearing if there were no further comments.
Council member Duggin asked if the public had any opinions on the matter. Kasey Bateman stated that he thought it was great. Council member Duggin asked if everyone had an opportunity to read through the resolution and suggested that it is more of a statement about the second amendment and how the town would not interfere with gun ownership.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to end the public hearing, seconded by Council member Duggin at 6:20 PM. All members in favor.

Council member Grady made a motion to approve Daniel Municipal Resolution DR 2020-03-02 A, seconded by Council member Glodowski.

Further discussion, Council member Bunker stated that he had forwarded the Town resolution to Kendall Crittenden with Wasatch County Council to use as a template if needed.

Mayor Turner stated if no further discussion, he was calling for the vote. All members in favor.

Renewals: Smitty’s Small Engine Repair, Timberline Lumber & Distributing, BMCI Electric, CCH20,Inc

Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the renewals, seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

Town of Daniel is still actively looking for shares.

Water Secretary Shelley Bunker stated that she wanted to make a clarification of a rumor that has surfaced. She stated that Eric Bunker is not the one that sent her to water school to obtain a certification. Upon interviewing for the position, past Council member Blotter asked if she would be willing to obtain certifications as needed to stay compliant. She had stated that that time that she would be willing to get the certifications needed. Prior to going, she asked the Council if this was still being supported.

Shelley further stated that while in St. George for training, she has completed the Consumer Confidence Reports that are annual required and have also been uploaded to the Town website. She has had three individuals come forward stating that they have paid for connections to the system and is asking for help to investigate the actual findings as she has not record.

Shelley stated that there was a lead and copper that was missed that is in process of being fixed. She is actively working on resolving an issue that comes up every year with the fence and trying to file the proper paperwork. There were some violations that she has been able to remove to eliminate the points.

Council member Duggin stated that she wanted to clarify the Consumer Confidence Report for those who did not understand. She stated that it is a report for the consumer to show any issues or violations within the water system for the year. It ensures that the water systems are safe per State Codes. This is available on the Town website and a copy can requested as well.

Ryan Taylor stated that there is a building permit for a 6-acre parcel at 4611 Cove Lane in Storm Haven. He stated that the individual is wanting to build a house in the middle of their lot where the existing line is located and wondering about relocating the line. They are working with TO- Engineer at options to either move the line or move the house. The Town has an easement on the property where the current line is located. If the line were to be moved, the easement would follow the line. The existing line is a 4” and would like for future a 10” line, as well as update the pipe type. Council member Bunker and Ryan came up with a compromise to moving the line. This would include moving the line to an agreed location, future placement for another line, as well as including working air-vacs and isolation valves. This would put the system in a better place for the future, while allowing them use of their property.

Council member Bunker stated in this particular area, it is prone to an air lock. This occurs when pockets of air get trapped in the line rendering low pressure or completely stopping the flow of water and the placement of air-vac and isolation valves would help eliminate the problem.

9) APPROVAL of COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES: February 3 & 19, 2020
Council member Bunker made the motion to approve the February 3 regular meeting, seconded by Council member Duggin. All members in favor.

Council member Duggin asked to clarify the acreage feet at build out due to one meeting indicating 600-acre feet and another stating 300-acre feet. Per the Combined meeting, request to change to 600-acre feet.

Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the February 19, 2020 meeting minutes with the change of the 600-acre feet. This was seconded by Council member Grady. All member in favor.

10) RECORDER’S OFFICE: Warrants approval, announcements, etc.:
Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the warrants to include the training expenses for Shelly Bunker as well as payroll hours for Val Davis and Gary Walton; noting that TO-Engineer bills were not present for warrants. This was seconded by Council member Grady. All members in favor.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to end regular session and open closed session for impending legal issues, seconded by Council member Grady at 7:07 PM. All members in favor.

11) POSSIBLE CLOSED SESSION: Legal issues, Property acquisition

Council member Duggin made a motion to end closed session and continue with regular session, seconded by Council member Grady at 7:49 PM. All member in favor.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council member Bunker. All members in favor at 7:50 PM.

Mary Snyder

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