- DR 2017-07-10D Fire/Fireworks restriction
- DR 2017-07-10C Certified Tax Rate
- DR 2017-07-10B Wasatch County Fire mitigation of cost
- DR 2017-07-09 Interlocal Wildland Fire
- DR 2017-06-05C Cooridor agreement
- DR 2017-06-05B Budget 2017/2018
- DR 2017-06-05A amended budget FY 2016/2017
- DR 2017-04-03 Employee Retirement Tier 2 employee
- DR 2017-03-06C Boundry Line adjustment
- DR 2017-03-06A Renewal enterprise zone
- DR 2017-02-06 GDA Fee schedule
- DR 2016-12-05 Amended meter size & rate
- DR 2016-11-07 Interlocal snow removal
- DR 2016-10-03A amended budget FY 2016/2017
- DR 2016-07-11A Consideration of 3000 S road aligment
- DR 2016-07-11 Certified Tax Rate
- DR 2016-06-06B Budget FY 2016/2017
- DR 2016-06-06A amended budget FY 2015/216
- DR 2016-02-01 Appoint of Planning Commission
- DR 2016-01-04B revised road standards 8.32