July 6, 2020 meeting minutes

Daniel Town Council Meeting
Monday July 6, 2020 @ 6 PM
Wasatch County Service Complex,
Conference Room B
55 S 500 E, Heber City, UT 84032

Town Council Quorum: Mayor Chip Turner, Council members: Eric Bunker, John Glodowski and Merry Duggin. Clerk Mary Snyder online for minutes; Treasurer Sherri Price present. Council member Stefanie Grady excused.

Member of public: Shelly Bunker, Ryan Taylor, Lisa Dinga, Eric Bennett

The meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM by Mayor Turner.

Council member Glodowski stated that he would like to see an agenda item to discuss ways for the town to show support to all Police Officers.

Council member Duggin stated that on July 8, the Wasatch County Council has an agenda item regarding to the review of the Gun Sanctuary resolution.

Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the DR 2020-07-06 Certified tax rate for the 2020-2021 FY, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Duggin and Glodowski. Against: Bunker. Motion passes.

Council member Glodowski stated he would like to see the payroll stay the same at this time. Mayor Turner stated that there will need to be a discussion about the water department. Council member Glodowski stated that we need to open this for discussion as we will be needing to create a new position. Council member Bunker stated that he does not feel like a 3% increase is a lot and stated that during this time it has not made jobs easier. Council member Duggin stated that there was a public comment and asked for that comment to be read into public comment. Mayor Turner read the email provided from Jaq and Lynne Shindurling asking that the town take into consideration the difficult times and budget short falls and freeze wages. No other public comments were made at this time. Council member Duggin stated that she also feels that we should hold at the current level and see how the current year progresses. She further stated that other municipalities are finding ways to cut back and be conservative. Mayor Turner stated that without Council member Grady being present for comment, would like to have a motion to continue.

Council member Bunker made a motion to continue, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Bunker, Duggin and Glodowski.

Council member Bunker stated that the Commission had the application presented for approval. He has a letter of recommendation from Planning, based on the approval from TO-Engineers. He stated that the subdivision gives an Parcel for Woolstenhulme’s driveway, and a dedicated Town of Daniel right-of way for approval with Phase I. Mike Johnston (not online at this time) with Summit Engineering also stated that their will be a letter that will accompany the the approval.

Council member Duggin stated that she was online with the recent Commission meeting and would be in favor of approving the subdivision application.

Council member Bunker asked Ryan Taylor if everything on the engineering side was good for approval. Mr. Taylor gave the thumbs up.

Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the Armstrong subdivision application, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Bunker, Glodowski and Duggin.

Mayor Turner stated that he would like to have council make a list of questions to present to Charleston to determine more definitive answers to help in the decision process of the possible expansion.

Council member Bunker stated that Charleston asked what the Town of Daniel’s wanted in this process. He stated that there were a few ideas such as sales tax that would benefit the town. He would like to see those ideas go into a letter to present to Charleston. He stated that there are still a ton of questions and feels like we are moving forward to some degree, but we need to determine a definitive answer.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to move forward with presenting questions and concerns.

Mayor Turner stated to hold the motion and he would accept it. He feels that the Town should move forward, but at the same understanding that we are still gathering information. He feels that there is a lot of positive that it can bring to the Town but need to do so with caution. Council member Duggin asked to clarify the motion prior to the second, in that we are wanting a more formal clarification from Charleston, not to approving the expansion.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to move forward with presenting questions and concerns. Council member Duggin seconded. All in favor: Mayor Turner, Council members: Bunker, Duggin, Glodowski.

NEW: John Glodowski, LLC
John Glodowski stated that eventually he would like to grow hemp, but at this time he will b doing repairs of plastics. Council member Duggin asked about storing hazardous materials. Mr. Glodowski stated that he will not be storing but will have a couple gallons lacquer thinner or alcohol for cleaning.

Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the new business license for John Glodowski LLC, seconded by Council member Bunker. For: Mayor Turner, Council members Bunker, Duggin and Glodowski. Motion approved.

RENEWALS: Simpson Fence
Council member Duggin made a motion to approve a renewal business license for Simpson Fence, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Duggin, Glodowski and Bunker. Motion passes.

No comments were made

Mayor Turner asked since becoming a municipality if anyone was aware of an increase in water rates. Council member Duggin stated that in 2009, the rate was increased to $35.00 per month. Mayor Turner stated that based on the current budget which includes our bond repayments, it appears that we would need to increase to $10.49 per customer, which is about $20,146.00 per year to break even. He stated that he would like comment from Council to see about moving to a public hearing on the issue.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to hold a public hearing to impose new water rates of $10.49 for Daniel Municipal Water.

Mayor Turner asked if the Town should look at more then the $10.49 which would only cover only the shortage, but should possibly consider potential repairs, maintenance, etc. Council member Glodowski stated that maybe an $11.00 increase would be sufficient. Council member Duggin stated that she recalled Ryan Taylor stating that other systems have in place a 3% annual increase to cover costs. She stated that by her calculations from 2009 to current, the rate would be $48.45 per month. She stated that this would be a $15.00 increase all at once and not sure if this would be enough. She stated that until there is further analysis to justify where those funds are applied, there should be a further review. Council member Glodowski stated that he liked how Council member Duggin calculated the rate and stated maybe that would give a little leeway.
Council member Duggin also stated that we are going to need to hire an Water Department employee/manager and feels that we need to start getting this out to see what interest there would be in the part time or three-quarter time position, as this will be another factor in the rate increase. She stated that we need to come up with a job description for this position as well. Mayor Turner stated that there are many questions such has hours, wages, job description that people are going to be asking. Council member Bunker stated that we are beyond a part time position being needed, especially with commercial project that was just approved, and potentials being looked at. He also stated that Gary Walton is full time and has always been available when needed. This is going to involve finding the right person, and is going to increase cost such as payroll, insurance, on-call, etc.

Shelly Bunker stated that we need to find someone with the proper certifications. She stated that the Town is on a tight rope because things are not being completed and the Division of Water has put out a new fines schedule that are going to start imposing on water systems.

Council member Bunker clarified that originally the town had a 30,000 gallons per month at $20.00 and increase to $35.00 with 20,000 gallons per month. Council member Duggin stated that this occurred in 2009 when they had to increase fees for the 2009 Water Bond to meet the requirements under the Daniel Domestic Water.

Mayor Turner stated that he would like a continuation and would like everyone to brainstorm the fee schedule and come up with a job description for the water operator position. This job description will need to be customize to Daniel. Council will provide descriptions to Clerk Mary Snyder as she will complete a description for final review before placing job out into the public.

Water Hook up refund:
Mayor Turner received a call from a resident that had purchase two water
connections and is now asking for a refund on one of the connections. There is no meter in place and the Mayor is asking for Councils direction in the matter.

Council member Glodowski stated to give a refund, while Council member Bunker stated that he disagreed. Based on the matter, the system is centered around build out, taking into consideration of engineering and tank size. If a refund is given, this could potentially create a slippery slope and others will expect the same. Council member Duggin asked if this hook up could be transferred to another person, in which Mayor Turner stated that it could not. Council member Bunker stated we need to be aware of floating hook ups within the system. Ryan Taylor stated that there is a difference between giving the fees back, but you cannot give back the water right; in that they are not allowed to be bought and sold. Considering the details provided, Council has directed the Mayor to advise the resident that the Town is not able to provide a refund.
Armstrong Subdivision:
Mike Johnston with Summit Engineering was online and was advised of the decision of approval for the Armstrong Subdivision. Mr. Johnston thanked Ryan Taylor and Eric Bunker.

No comments were made

Mayor Turner stated there has been a public hearing and multiple discussions on the increase in sewer fees, in which the Storm Haven residence pitched the $16.00 increase to help with costs. The Mayor asked Ryan Taylor if he had an opinion on what would be best for the system. Ryan Taylor stated that this is complicated and that there are different options that could benefit the system. He stated that one viable option is looking at grants and loans. He gave a presentation of numbers about a year ago for the cost for a new system would increase rates about $200.00 per month per user but was not the best option at the time. The residences came up with the $16.00 per month increase per user but stated that there could be a better number in between. He stated at this time, the best option is to apply for a grant and loan combination and determine what the fees would need to consist of based on the repayment. He stated that now is a great time to apply for those grant/loans as there is money available.

Council member Glodowski stated that he would like to move forward as soon as possible. Council member Bunker stated that the public hearing was held and that is where the $16.00 increase recommendation came from, but that increased was to aide with pumping and nothing else. Council member Glodowski stated to implement the $16.00 per month and have Ryan Taylor move forward with the grant and loan application. Then at that point, possible move forward with additional public hearings with further information on possible repayments and discussion. Ryan Taylor stated that he will submit applications but would possibly not have further information until the September meeting.

Council member Glodowski again stated to implement the increase, but maybe increase to $20.00. Council member Bunker stated that the residents are very much aware of the issue and feels that they may understand the increase. He also stated that the problem is still present, and residences are still flushing prohibited items into the system.

Council member Duggin stated that we should implement the $16.00 increase as the residences offered. She also stated that Town needs to have an accurate bookkeeping of the dollars coming in, as well as how the dollars are being spent to demonstrate to residents how the money is being used. Any money that is not being spent for current maintenance should be transferred into a fund to be available for the needs to accomplish a new system. She agreed to have Ryan moved forward as soon as possible.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to implement the additional sewer increase of $16.00 per month, as well as move forward with the grant/loan application process.

Council member Duggin asked if Council member Glodowski would be willing to restate his motion to include “based on the input of the Storm Haven residence”.
Council member Glodowski made a motion to implement the additional sewer increase of $16.00 per month based on the input of the Storm Haven residences, as well as move forward with the grant/loan application process. This was seconded by Council member Duggin. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Glodowski, Bunker and Duggin.

Council member Bunker made a motion to approve the June 1, 2020 meeting minutes.

Council member Duggin asked to revise paragraph 7, second to last sentence to state “If the town”. Ryan Taylor stated that he agreed with Council members Duggin’s request to fix his statement.

Council member Duggin made a motion to approve the June 1, 2020 minutes with the requested revision of paragraph 7, second to last sentence to add “If the town”, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Duggin, Glodowski and Bunker. Motion passes.

10) RECORDER’S OFFICE: Warrants approval, announcements, etc.:
There was a review of the final year end 2019-2020 budget.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the warrants to include the credit card charge for $111.71 for ink. This was seconded by Council member Duggin. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Duggin, Glodowski, and Bunker. Motion approved

Council member Bunker provided a quick update of Planning Commission report stating that there are two applications in the works. The first is for the Weyandt property with a concept approval coming soon. The second, is a subdivision application for the property on Hwy 40 & approx.. 3300 South with 7 lots.

11) POSSIBLE CLOSED SESSION: Legal issues, Property acquisition
Closed session was held for legal pending issues.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to enter closed session at 7:43 PM for pending legal issues, seconded by Council member Duggin. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Bunker, Glodowski and Duggin.

Council member Duggin made a motion to end closed session at 7:54 PM, seconded by Council member Glodowski. All members in favor.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council member Duggin. All members in favor at 7:55 PM.

Mary Snyder

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