DR 2009-03-02 Adopt Impact Fee Schedule


Number: DR-2009-03-02
Appr. Date: 2009-03-02
Effect. Date: 2009-03-02

Short Title: Resolution to adopt an impact fee schedule for Town of Daniel

Purpose: The purpose of this resolution is to adopt and put into place a schedule of impact fees to be imposed on new development within the Town of Daniel boundary.

Resolution: Whereas, the legislative body of the Town of Daniel, a political subdivision of the State of Utah, deems it appropriate to require certain fees to cover the impacts which will result from new development approved within the Town of Daniel, and

Whereas, the Daniel Planning Commission has submitted a recommendation concerning impact fees to the Town Council,

Be it resolved, by the governing legislative body of the Town of Daniel, a political subdivision of the State of Utah, that the schedule of impact fees attached to this resolution be adopted and placed into effect immediately to be applied to all new development approved within the Town of Daniel. This schedule may be modified as required by the Town Council.

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