DR 2008-10-06 Roadway Capital Facility Plan


Number: DR2008-10-06

Appr. Date: October 6, 2008
Effect. Date: October 6, 2008

Short Title: Resolution to adopt the Town of Daniel Roadway Capital Facility Plan dated September 2008 prepared by Epic Engineering

Purpose: To provide detailed information on the existing roadway conditions as of October 2008 in the Town of Daniel and provide recommendations to accommodate the continued use of the roads as well as plan for future growth

Resolution: Whereas the legislative body of Town of Daniel, a political subdivision of the State of Utah, being aware of its duty to provide and maintain a safe transportation system for the residents of the Town, did commission Epic Engineering, the Town’s engineering firm, to produce a Roadway Capital Facility Plan which would report on the existing roadway conditions of the Town and also recommend improvements to be made and recommend a course of maintenance operations for the Town’s roadways;

Be it resolved, accepted, and approved by the governing legislative body of the Town of Daniel that the plan titled Town of Daniel Roadway Capital Facility Plan dated September 2008 and prepared by Epic Engineering be adopted as the Town of Daniel’s plan for improving and maintaining Town of Daniel’s roadway system, and this plan will be consulted to serve as a guideline in Town of Daniel’s prioritizing road work that will be commissioned and conducted by the Town of Daniel; however, the plan will in no way mandate road repair and improvements which will be governed by necessity and areas of greatest need as determined by Daniel Town legislators and staff.

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