Planning Commission minutes October 16, 2013

Daniel Town Planning Commission

16th October, 2013

A quorum is present: Chairman Bunker, Commissioners Kim Norris, John Glodowski, Pam Skinner, and Blaine Smith are present. Commissioners Jaye Binkerd and Gary Weight are excused.

Ryan Taylor of Epic Engineering is present.

Chairman Bunker called the meeting to order at 7:21 p.m.

Public in attendance: Mike Peterson, Jalayne Bassett, Denise Peck. Brenda Osorio, Sydney McManus, Sadie Broadhead, Eric Bennett

Public comment (2 minutes please) for any item of concern from the public not listed on the agenda.

There were no public comments

2- New House. Eric and Denise Bennett residence

The Bennett’s own property just west of Big Hollow Road below the gun club/Daniel Academy and would like to build a home there. Ryan gave a staff report and building plan to the Commissioners.

The property is in the P160 zone and is outside the urban space. A separate permit is required for propane.

Commissioner Norris moved to approve this application upon the requirements being met on Epic Engineering’s site plan structural twenty-seven (27) points with Commissioner Glodowski seconding. Discussion: Add an item 28: to check the set back on a P160 zone. 2nd stands. Motion failed. Commissioner Norris’s motion remains the same, the 2nd stands. Discussion: Commissioner Smith wants to know if this home could ever be turned into a disability school like the one already established above this proposed home. The Town code says another school cannot be built within a mile of an already existing school. This home could not be turned into a school. Motion and 2nd stand, the vote is unanimous and the motion carries.

3- Plumber property Little Sweden Rd. and Mill Rd: Request for buildable lots certificate. (small sub.)

Jaylayne Basset of Equity Real-estate explained that the estate owner would like to sub-divide this 7 ½ acres. It was originally approved for subdividing by the Wasatch County Commissioners in 1996 before Daniel Town’s 5 acre lots went into effect. The lots have separate ID numbers. The commissioners asked if the owners have a Lot of Record. It is believed that there is a Lot of Record but the Planning Commission hasn’t seen it. The property is on the greenbelt tax record.

Commissioner Norris moved to continue this item to the next meeting to see if the owners can produce a Lot of Record certificate with Commissioner Smith seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

4- Mike Peterson Hwy. 40: Commercial concept approval.

Five years ago Mike Peterson tried to get commercial approval for property he owns off Highway 40 in Daniel. Due to the economic downturn the plan was put on hold. He now has a new concept design for recreational vehicle storage units and a recreational vehicle retail/rentals/repair building to be built on the three acres. He already has approval from UDOT for an entrance off highway 40. The storage units would be accessories to the retail building. He would like this is a continuation of the former application he optained in 2008 but is willing to obtain a new permit if needed.

Chairman Bunker would like to wait on a zone change to allow for further investigation

Commissioner Norris moved to approve the preliminary concept with Commissioner Glodowski seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Commissioner Glodowski moved to continue the zone interpretation with Commissioner Skinner seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

5- Council actions report/Director report: Report on actions of Town council, reasonable accommodations req. annexation, etc.

A recommendation has been made and initiated on the Weyandt property to revert it back to RA5.

There is a town code stating there must be 25 foot visibility on corners, driveways, etc. and nothing taller than 4 ft in that given area that would restrict visibility. JSSD has submitted a new application. Update on Storm Haven culvert: The box culvert installations should start next week. Certain steps will need to be implemented to insure that the culverts will not deteriorate over time. The Town Council wants the Planning Commission to study what is allowed in a commercial zone and decide what they would recommend keeping and what to delete. An agricultural use letter was drafted by Commissioner Weight about what defines agricultural use. Chairman Bunker distributed a one page copy of the State Code defining what agriculture use is. We cannot charge for an agricultural permit but if Epic Engineering has to inspect the building being built there is a charge for their time. We will continue the discussion of what constitutes agricultural use next month.

6- Staff items. Agri. Buildings, dwelling updates, commercial, agricultural, Etc.

There were no agricultural permits. One permit was issued for excavation on Little Sweden road by Comcast.

7- Approval of minutes of 18 Sep 2013

Commissioner Glodowski moved to approve the minutes of 18 Sep 2013 with Commissioner Smith seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

8- Motion to adjourn.

Commissioner Glodowski move to adjourn the meeting with Commissioner Smith seconding. The vote was unanimous and the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Kathy-Jo Percy: Secretary

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