Planning Commission minutes June 17, 2009







Quorum present: Chairman Eric Bunker, Commissioners: Lynn Crisler, Kim Norris,

Barry Hobbs, and Gary Weight. Excused were Ed Pressgrove and Diane Grose. Secretary

Kathy Jo Percy was present to record the minutes.

Members of the public signing as being in attendance: Sherry Sawdey, Ryan Taylor of

Epic Engineering, Darwin McGuire, Keith Bates.

Public comment (2 minutes please)

Eric Bunker: Curtis Ludvigson is coming on Thursday, June 25th to teach about

state requirements to set up a water company. The town work meeting will be held in the

front conference room of this building. All are invited to attend.

July 1st through the 15th are the open dates for applications to be submitted for two

town council positions and for Mayor.

1- Callister Subdivision (cont. from May)

Lynn Crisler made a motion to continue this item till the July 15th planning

meeting. Gary weight seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion


2- Sherrie Sawdey- zone change request R.A-5 to Commercial Hwy 40 at Mill Rd

Sherri still wants to do same thing with her property as last year, zone change to

commercial for a tree nursery. She is complying with what the town council asked of her

in their November meeting. Sherri has lined up water shares to have a tree nursery.

Kim Norris asked what would NOT recommend this request as he was not a

council member when Sherrie first applied for the zone change. Eric explained that they

would need to look at the town plan, the land use plan, how it would affect the

neighborhood, etc. Gary would like to look at it based on land use plans and what is

happening in that area for the future.

Sherri urged the council to consider that Heber City has already created a

commercial zone along the Highway 40 corridor and suggested that the town needed to

be on board now so they might build a tax base for the town. She asked what would

happen if the council had not yet reached an agreement on the current general plan and

Eric explained that the current plan was already in effect even if the update hadn’t been

put in place yet.

Gary Weight made a motion to set a public hearing for the Sawdey zone change

application for the August 19th meeting. Lynn Crisler seconded the motion, it was

unanimous and the motion carried.

3- Harry Weyandt – Revised master plan (cont. from May)

Kim Norris moved that this item be continued to the July 15th meeting, Barry

Hobbs seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

4- Jim McCleary – building permit.

Eric showed architectural drawings to the council members. Jim McCleary has

decided to go with solar panels instead of the windmill. He only needs 50 feet set back

which he has. The Council sees no problems with his current plan.

Barry Hobbs moved that the proposed agricultural building be sent to the

administrative staff for building permit clearing. Gary Weight seconded the motion,

the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

5- Wind energy conversion systems WECS.

Kim Norris would like to study the information Eric has put together over the past

month. Kim has not had any luck on finding a way to reduce the sound decibels. The

board needs to consolidate all the information that everyone has researched into one

informative paper. The board was reminded that the six month moratorium ends in

August. The County is pushing to have a windmill ordinance and our town is under the

same request. Barry agreed to take this project on and draft an ordinance. Eric reminded

the council that it is their job to say “this is how you can do it” to anyone who brings a

request before them.

6- Public Hearing: Daniel Town Land Use Plan.

Kim Norris moved to open the public hearing for the Daniel Land Use Plan.

Gary Weight seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous

Gary asked if we actually have a separate land use plan? The current one seems to

a remnant of a previous plan. Barry expressed that it is more of a map with zoning

ordinance. Eric read ordinance 8.2.10 (Section 8.02.10 Land Use Classification Reference

The Planning Commission has prepared, and shall hereafter maintain, a Land Use Classification, which is

included as an Appendix to this document and is incorporated by reference herein. The Land Use

Classification, contains a list of the use numbers and use classifications used in this title, and explanations

concerning the same. The Land Use Classification shall be used to assist in interpreting the meaning of any

use number or use classification used in this Title.) to the council. Kim would like to look at the

existing one, eliminate the bad areas and leave the good. Gary will take responsibility to

look over the land use plan and make suggestions.

Sherri Sawdey once again explained that her property is sitting in the Heber City

overlay zone which Daniel could work into the land use plan and use it to help make a

commercial tax base for the town. She would also like to see a traffic light at the

intersection of Highway 40 and Mill Road. Eric explained that UDOT would have to

handle that issue and the town had no say in the matter.

There were no other public comments.

Barry Hobbs moved to continue the public hearing on the land use plan.

Kim Norris seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion


7- Public Hearing – Daniel Town General plan

Gary Weight moved to continue this item next month. Lynn Crisler seconded

the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

8- Approval of minutes from May 2009

Lynn Crisler moved to approve the minutes of 20 May 2009, Barry Hobbs

seconded, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

9- Administrative issues: Administrative Building permits, water, annexations, etc.

Update: Kevin Luke and Keith Ross additions were approved and they are

moving forward.

10- Motion to adjourn.

Barry moved that the meeting adjourn, Kim Norris seconded it and the meeting

was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Kathy Jo Percy


Daniel Town Planning Commission

Daniel Planning reserves the right to change order of, and add agenda items.

In keeping with the American Disability Act all are invited to attend.

If you need Special accommodations please call Eric Bunker 654-0409 Forty Eight, 48

hours before the meeting. Written comment accepted

Comments are closed.