Planning Commission minutes July 17, 2013

Daniel Town Planning Commission

Wednesday 17th July, 2013. 7:00 p.m.

A quorum was present: Chairman Eric Bunker, Commissioners Kim Norris, John Glodowski, Jaye Binkerd, Gary Weight, and Blaine Smith were present. Commissioner Pam Skinner arrived at 7:08 p.m.

Ryan Taylor of Epic Engineering is present.

One public member was present: Dr Branson Call

Chairman Bunker called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

1- Public comment (2 minutes please)

There were no public comments.

2- Residential permit for Dr. Call

Ryan Taylor of Epic Engineering, representing Dr. Call, gave a copy of the staff report he drafted concerning the Branson Call Permit including his recommendations to each of the Commissioners. Dr. Call owns 20 acres of land. He wishes to build a guest home and garage on the 5 acre parcel that abuts Little Sweden Road. The current application meets the requirements of Daniel Town code concerning frontage and setbacks. The Commissioners were asked if they thought there would be any problem of Dr Call connecting to the town water system by placing a water meter next to the lane leading to the town well. No negative thoughts were raised. Commissioner Weight moved to approve the Call permit upon resolution of the seven items listed on the staff report with the addition that if any location of the buildings were moved then an updated site plan would be presented to staff for approval. Commissioner Glodowski seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Norris wanted to know if there was sufficient irrigation shares for the property upon which Ryan Taylor assured him there was. The motion stands, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Commissioner Norris moved to send a letter of recommendation to the Town Council on approvals of laterals on the lane. Commissioner Glodowski seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

3- Accessory structure permit

Russell Morgan submitted an application and plans for a garage on a one acre, non-conforming lot, located on the west side of Crazy Acres Drive. He wants to change that to an Agricultural permit application. He has roughed in a bathroom on the plans. It will have electrical and plumbing inspections

Commissioner Binkerd moved to approve the agricultural permit pending receipt of a new site plan with corrected setbacks and approval by Wasatch County Health Department of the septic system. Commissioner Skinner seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

4- Council actions report/Director report

Report on actions of Town council, L.O.R., Charleston water report, etc.

The Town Council approved the rate change of the one inch meter to $45.

Chairman Bunker noted that all the applications on the property owned by Harry Weyandt on the west end of 3000 S have expired. He asked the Commissioners if they thought the commercial zoning for that property should be returned to its original RA5 use. They decided that this item needs to be on the next agenda.

5- Staff items.

Agri. Buildings, dwellings, commercial, etc.

A complaint was turned it about Bill & Trudy Brereton, living at 2845 S 1000 W, saying that they were building a barn without a building permit. Ryan, of Epic Engineering, said he would look into it. He has since received a Building Permit Application.

The Plummer’s, located at the corner of Little Sweden Rd and 600 E, wish to subdivide their property into four lots and build a home on each lot. The owners must prove that this is a “lot of record” and then go through the proper channels for approval. The burden of proof is on the owners not on the town.

Commissioner Weight has volunteered to look for a form letter concerning applications for Agricultural buildings. One that the applicant would read and sign concerning what is approved as an agricultural use structure. He would like this item added to the next agenda.

6- Approval of minutes for 15 May 2013

Chairman Bunker requested a few changes to the May minutes which were made.

Commissioner Weight moved to approve the minutes as corrected with Commissioner Binkerd seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

7- Motion to adjourn.

Commissioner Glodowski moved to adjourn the meeting with Commissioner Skinner seconding. The vote was unanimous the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Kathy-Jo Percy: Secretary

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