Planning Commission minutes February 21, 2018

A quorum is present: Chairman Bunker and Commissioners Norris, Rawlings, McAllister, Binkerd, Weight were present. Commissioner Skinner was excused.
Members of the public in attendance: Kim Coburn and Ryan Taylor with GDA Engineers, David McCombs, Robert Armstrong, Shelly Bunker. Secretary Keary Stephens.

1. Public comment concerning any issue not on the agenda.
Robert Armstrong stated that he is process of submitting an application for a Zone Change – Huntsman – Mair for a construction yard.
Commissioner McAllister was wondering about a laminated map of Daniel for meetings?
Commissioner Bunker suggested we go out of order and go to Item 3 on the agenda.

2. David McCombs Residence – 3151 S Poppy Lane.
The plans have been reduced and revised.

Commissioner Weight moved that we approve the McCombs permit subject to the engineer’s reviews. Commissioner Binkerd seconded it. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

3. Neff Residence – South Field Road.
Right of way surveyed. Commissioner Weight moved to continue this item until we get a complete site plan. Commissioner McAllister seconded it. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

4. Continued: Mark McAllister – Zone Change.
Commissioner McAllister moved to continue this to the next agenda. Commissioner Weight seconded it. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

5. Curt Clyde Residence – Three Farms Estate 1130 North Pine Circle.
Still in process.

6. Brown Residence – Three Farms Road.
Still in process.

7. Planner Report.
Complaints of dogs barking on South Field Rd. Discussion on water fees.
Commissioner Norris moved to recommend to the Daniel Town Council to accept Water Application and Agreement. Commissioner Binkerd seconded it.
Discussion – Look into water owed from previous owner.
Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

8. Approval of January 17, 2018 minutes.
Commissioner Weight moved to approve the minutes of January 17, 2018. Commissioner Rawlings seconded. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

9. Motion to Adjourn.

Commissioner McAllister moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Norris seconded it.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM

Keary Stephens

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