Planning Commission minutes August 19, 2015

Daniel Town Planning Meeting

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

 A quorum was present: Chairman Eric Bunker, Commissioners Diane Grose, Jaye Binkerd, Pam Skinner, Blaine Smith, Gary Weight were present. Commissioner Kim Norris was absent

Community members present were Cindy Wilde, Rex & Karen Reeder, Jaq & Lynne Shindurling, Lorie Hobbs, Shane Whiting, Kyle Turnbow, Darel & Jennifer Gressner, and Eric Bennett

7:05 p.m. 

1.  Public comment concerning any issue not on the agenda.

Cindy Wilde asked if there had been any progress on the lot line adjustment yet on their property. Chairman Bunker explained that it is still on hold as the town had not yet received the completed mylar.

2. Road standards- addition of new road standards to D.T.C.

Epic Engineering submitted a paper explaining the proposed code addition to the Town code section 8.32.07, 8.32.08 designated Unpaved Roads. The board asked that they include the following: the road would be made of asphalt rototill tailings, there would be a limit of 3 residential units that access the road and to make corrections to the drawing. The Fire and School departments will need to determine if they need a turnaround at the end of the road.

Commissioner Weight moved to recommend to the Town Council to accept the road addition to 8.32.07 and 8.32.08 with changes to allow only 3 ERUs and specify asphalt rotomill tailings and make corrections to the drawing. The recommendation was  amended to add corrections to the CBR numbers. Commissioner Binkerd seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Commissioner Binkerd moved to go out of order and address item 7 with Commissioner Skinner seconding, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

3. Daniel Academy- reasonable accommodation request.

FYI: On the first page of the Town of Daniel website there is an explanation of “reasonable accommodation” application.

Director/Manager, Shane Whiting is requesting an expansion to the numbers of our current reasonable accommodations from 16 bed spaces to 24. He explained that the students only eat and sleep at the home. During the day they attend school elsewhere in the town. They would need to add additional bedrooms, remodel the kitchen, and add four to five directors to the staff. The well and septic would also need to be upgraded.  They are flexible on the number of students increased. Lorie Hobbs said the law states “reasonable” accommodations. Where does it end? Commissioner Weight asked at what point does it become institutional instead of residential.

Shane Whiting stated that the school is currently operating in the red and that the owners haven’t made any money since 2013, thus the request to increase the number of students. The Commissioners stated that there were already concerns about the noise and the traffic.

Commissioner Skinner moved to recommend to the Town Council to deny the reasonable accommodation request by Daniel Academy due to too many unrelated residents living in the home and because of the noise and neighborhood impact with Commissioner Grose seconding. The vote went as follows: Commissioners Smith, Binkerd, Skinner, and Grose aye, Commissioner Weight, nay. The motion carried.

4. School announcement of intent to build in the Town of Daniel

The School District has purchased property (two lots) at the end of Ranch Drive for an elementary school. They want to enter from the north side. They want to have the school on the north lot and a ball field on the south lot.

5. Corridor preservation agreement – discussion and possible action

All disagreements have been mitigated and resolved.

6. Storm Haven- update on culinary issues

It is about ready to be signed over into the town for water.

7. Flag lots- council initiated look at the inclusion of flag lots in the Town code.

Commissioner Binkerd moved to continue this item to next month with Commissioner Weight seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried. 

8. Town road construction improvements

No bids were turned in and are now closed. They will re-advertise for bids next year.

9. Approval of July 15th, 2015 minutes.

Commissioner Binkerd moved to accept the minutes of 15 July 2015 with Commissioner Skinner seconding. The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

10. Adjourn

Commissioner Smith moved to adjourn the meeting with Commissioner Weight seconding. The vote was unanimous and the meeting ended at 9:25 p.m. 

Kathy-Jo Percy – Secretary

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