Council meeting minutes July 7, 2014

Daniel Town Council Meeting

Monday, July 7, 2014 at 6:00 PM

Wasatch County Services Building, Room 126

Heber City, UT

Quorum present:   Council members Eric Bunker, John Glodowski, and Jonathan Blotter were present when Mayor Turner called the meeting to order.  Council member Bateman was absent.  Lynne Shindurling was present.

Members of the public in attendance:  Kipp Bangerter, Clint Neerings, Ernie Giles, Clair Provost, Kim Norris, Sherri Price, and Ryan Taylor.


No public comment was received at this meeting


Wasatch County EMS Director Clair Provost began the presentation by updating those present on the current status of emergency services in place throughout the county, that being 35 EMTs on staff available on a full-time trial basis Monday through Thursday, 3 on-call at a time, as they are partnering with the fire department at Jordanelle.  In addition, there are many part-time people as well.  Their goal is to have a response time of 5-6 minutes.  A complete PowerPoint presentation on the County EMS is available on the County website. Search Wasatch County EMS/Ambulance.

The next speaker was Fire Chief Ernie Giles, who gave a broad overview of the Wasatch County Fire District makeup as far as personnel.  Some of the firemen and women are also on the EMS staff.  Chief Giles presented facts and figures explaining why the need for a tax increase in the county, the need for new fire equipment and expansion of existing fire stations to provide living quarters for those on duty.  He stated the Wasatch Fire District has not asked for an increase since its formation in 1988, 26 years ago.  More information can, once again, be found on the County website under Fire.

Lastly, the Council heard from Fire Marshal Clint Neering, who oversees all fire code compliance in businesses and enforces fire sprinkler installation throughout Wasatch County.  He stated prevention is drastically cheaper than suppression when it comes to fires.  He explained where and when fire sprinklers are required in a building. Mayor Turner inquired of him with regard to clearing around residences in Daniel Town, namely Storm Haven vicinity.  Mr. Neering stated the more defensible space around a property, the better. This, in and of itself, can protect homes.

Council member Bunker asked about the recommended water meter and lateral line sizes built into new construction for fire sprinklers in a home.  Mr. Neering said the suggested size is 1-1/4”.  This is of interest to the Council since the Daniel Municipal Water system is now under the jurisdiction of the Town.  Homes on a well would require a tank and pump to produce sufficient water to fight a fire.  Mr. Neering stated the definition of urban interface is land not historically irrigated as adopted by the county from the State code, which comes from the wildland code.


Two licenses came in for renewal, Dr. Fix It and Daniel Academy.   Mayor Turner inquired if the licensed name of Daniel Academy was changing as a prior issue had arisen regarding ownership and signature under which the license was originally issued.  Council member Bunker stated they were keeping the same name.  He produced a copy of the application and the State license provided by the applicant to Mr. Bunker.

Council member Blotter inquired of the Mayor if concern over a septic issue at Daniel Academy had been investigated, as well as a complaint that more than the allotted number of residents may be spending the night at the facility.  Mayor Turner stated he was told by people at the academy that there is not a septic issue and no overage in the number of overnighters.  The County had not been contacted about either issue.  This was apparently reported by concerned citizens.  Both businesses before the Council for renewal were approved.


Council member Bunker moved to approve the minutes as written from the meeting of June 2, 2014.  The motion was seconded by Council member Glodowski.   “Aye” votes were received from Council members Glodowski, Bunker and Mayor Turner.  Council member Blotter abstained as he was not present on June 2nd.  The minutes were approved.


Clerk Shindurling informed the Council the certified tax rate according to the budget approved by the Council of $40,000 for property taxes would be .000758, a little less than last year. All present were glad to hear there was no increase in property taxes expected for the upcoming fiscal year.

Mayor Turner circulated resolution DR2014-07-07A among the Council members.  Council member Glodowski moved to adopt the resolution and approve the new tax rate.  Council member Blotter seconded the motion, and the “aye” votes were unanimous for adoption of the new tax rate.


Kim Norris expressed his surprise that the County Fire Department had only received $750,000 in a ten-year period in government grant monies when Daniel Municipal Water Co. had received a substantial loan at a half a percent, which allowed them to put in a completely new system.

He also quarried regarding a statement of Mr. Giles that future homes may require 1-1/4” water lines to their homes as opposed to the current size of one inch.  Ryan Taylor stated currently the size is dictated by how far from the source line the home is, with sizes varying from an inch to perhaps two inches.  Some homeowners may choose to have their own water tank and pump to supply appropriate water, realizing if the power goes out the pump will no longer run.  Mr. Taylor stated currently DMW fees are based on the meter size, not the line size, and each homeowner uses the line size they think appropriate for their circumstance.

Mr. Norris informed the council that since notice to turn off water for non- payment was instituted, all customers have been brought current and finally take receipt of the water bill seriously and make payment diligently.  He feels, in regards to Mr. Giles’ statement regarding needed upgrades at the local airport, that those flying into the airport should pay for new equipment through fees charged, and not the local residents.


Planning Director Bunker presented documents regarding the Trunnell and Peterson proposed developments on Highway 40.  Their approvals submitted prior had expired and so they’re both working on getting new approvals from all necessary county agencies to move forward, as well as UDOT approvals involving acceleration and deceleration lanes.


Mayor Turner turned the time over to Council member Bunker to show those present the new Blue Staking equipment he had selected for the town to purchase.  The Council had approved an amount of $4,000 in preauthorized funds for the purchase, and a hard case to store it cost an additional $150, which the council approved at this time.

Mr. Bunker stated the new equipment has five frequencies to enable better location capabilities and a snap ring to energize to help locate the lines. It also has a 10-watt battery pack.  The unit has GPS capabilities, but the depth finder is not accurate and will sometimes find the wire on top of the line, so should not be relied upon.  Metrotech, the provider of the equipment, has add-ons available and this unit has a three-year warranty.

Mayor Turner then inquired of Mr. Bunker how much time he has spent Blue Staking in the past two months.  Mr. Bunker reporter 24.5 hours for May and 21 hours in June.  He showed the council the type of document created when a call is made to Blue Stakes and explained the procedure used in review, respond, and clear.

Since Council member Bunker is doing Blue Staking outside of his planning duties, Mayor Turner asked the Council to consider compensating him for time spent doing this function for the Town at a rate of $15.00 per hour, which is what those performing duties for DMW are receiving.  Until the Town employs an employee on a part-time or full-time basis, Mayor Turner feels Mr. Bunker should be compensated for this work.  Kim Norris feels this rate is reasonable in light of what DMW helpers are receiving.

Council member Glodowski moved that any persons working on Blue Staking or other categories under Public Works should be compensated at a minimum rate of $15.00 per hour.  Mr. Bunker commented he agrees as far as Blue Staking, but other Public Works functions may require additional certifications and a different compensation rate.  There are many additional duties under Daniel Municipal Water that could be performed if a person was available to do them.  For now Michael Duggin remains as the water operator, but upon his departure, he would need to be replaced.  A Public Works person could conceivably have many functions, water operator being one of them, and a job description needs to be developed to try to pin down duties for such a person and the appropriate wages to be paid.  Required certifications in different areas are also a concern for the Town.

Council member Blotter inquired whether there would be the equivalent of full-time work for such an individual at this time.  Mayor Turner explained probably on a part-time basis to begin with but moving to full time as other duties are added.  Kim Norris suggested perhaps if Daniel has an individual full time, he could be shared with another municipality like Independence.

Mayor Turner once again brought the motion under consideration before the council on compensation.  Council member Blotter seconded the motion for payment of $15.00 minimum for Blue Staking.  “Aye” votes were obtained from Mayor Turner, Council members Glodowski and Blotter, with an abstention by Council member Bunker.  The motion passed.

Discussion followed after a question by Mr. Bunker how the wages for DMW workers were initially set.  Mr. Norris stated it was an arbitrary number and the auditor would like better tracking of hours spent by these workers, like time cards.  It would be preferred by the Council that Mr. Bunker submit his tickets for substantiation of pay on his Blue Staking work.

Where the stop signs with the Town of Daniel need to be replaced during the year 2014, a suggestion was made by Council member Blotter that perhaps an Eagle Scout could do this as his required project.  This will be looked into as a means of accomplishing this task with no compensation to the individual being involved.


Mayor Turner asked the council if they would like to adopt a resolution in the Town of Daniel restricting the use of fireworks.  The resolution as written was read by Mayor Turner.  Council member Blotter moved to accept resolution DR2014-07-07B as read, which was seconded by Council member Glodowski.  The following vote of the council ensued: “Aye” votes from Mayor Turner, Council members Glodowski and Blotter, with a “no” vote from Council member Bunker.  The resolution was adopted.


The warrants for the month were presented by Clerk Lynne Shindurling.  On the Blue Stakes charges for the month of May, as the council had approved anything over the membership fee of $150, an additional $14.88 was added to the check to Blue Stakes in May.

Ryan Taylor stated the town is still in the black on inspections being conducted for construction underway.

On the purchase of the locator for Blue Staking by the Town of Daniel, the purchase price of $4,150 was agreed to be split 50/50 between the Town general fund and the Water Enterprise Fund.  Payment will be allocated at $2,075 from each fund.

Council member Blotter moved to approve the warrants as presented for the month of June, seconded by Council member Glodowski.  Approval of the warrants passed by unanimous “aye” votes.

Clerk Shindurling announced that the last of the FEMA funds was received for construction of the Storm Haven culvert and the project file has been closed.


Council member Blotter moved to adjourn the meeting.  Council member Glodowski seconded the motion, and the Council voted unanimously to adjourn.  Mayor Turner adjourned the meeting at 8:28 PM.

Lynne Shindurling,


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