Council agenda September 14, 2020

Meeting Agenda

1) Public Comment: issues limited to 2 minutes, per person
2) Discussion of possible renewal of Heber Power & Light Franchise Agreement
3) Discussion of supporting Police Officers
4) Discussion/possible approval of employee compensation
5) Discussion of CARES Fund
6) Discussion/possible approval of TRC Construction Concept/zone change
7) Approval Resolution DR 2020-09-14 Interlocal Snow Removal Agreement
8) Discussion of possible amendment of road project fee
a. NEW:
b. RENEWAL: Tender Touch Massage, Housekeeping by Dawn, Splash & Bounce, Suburban Propane
10) Daniel Municipal Water:
11) Storm Haven Water:
12) Approval of Council Meeting minutes: August 3, 2020
13) Recorder’s Office: Warrants approval, announcements, etc.
14) Possible closed session: legal, personal, property acquisition
15) Adjourn:

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