Board of Adjustments minutes June 6, 2006

Town of Daniel

Board of Adjustments

Meeting Minutes

June 6, 2006

Quorum: Chip Turner, Rob Armstrong, Chris Anderson, Renee Anderson, David Hartle

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Chip Turner

Introductions were made and the prayer was given by Rob Armstrong.

Bill and Pam Skinner Variance

Eric Bunker gave the Board a presentation on the Planning Staff


The Planning Board denied a building permit because the

Planned building violated Title 8.21.08(4) of the Town Of

Daniel Code.  Their lot is on a corner and therefore has 2


Chip Turner explained to the Board that there are 5 criteria for granting

A variance.  They are found in the packet that was each member

Distributed to each member.   The Board has three options:

Approve the variance

Approve the variance with conditions

Deny the variance

Pam Skinner presented her case.

They wish to build a building to be used for storage.  They decided

That it would work best for them in the “side yard” because of the

Location of the well and the fact that there is vinyl fencing and

Mature trees.  They believe the building will tidy up the lot.

She had a picture of the proposed building – Cleary – that will

Match the house in color.  She also presented a larger plat map

To show why they decided on the placement of the building.

She was asked if there was another place that did conform where the

Building could be located.  She indicated that the location of the well and

The septic system posed problems and they wanted the building near

The house for convenience.

She indicated they bought the property two years ago as it sits.  They

Have not designed any of the landscaping or pasture or

Paddock areas.

Pam indicated all the neighbors have been notified and none have


Eric Bunker explained the setbacks and how this structure would be in

Compliance with them.

Motion: To Deny because it is not an unreasonable hardship

(criteria #1) – Rob Armstrong

No second

Motion died

Pam was asked that if the overhang of the building was eliminated

And the building was pushed back, if that would be a solution.

She indicated that the overhang was added to the building for

Aesthetic value for the neighbors.

Darvin McGuire testified that he can’t understand why this is an

Issue.  He thinks they should be able to build.

Mike Duggin, who is also a neighbor, testified he has no problem

With the location of the building.

Motion: to approve – Renee Anderson

She believe it causes a hardship

The special circumstance is a corner lot

The building will be essential to enjoy their property

The building will not have a negative impact

No second

Motion died

Chip Turner explained that the application for variance is denied if all

Five criteria are not met.

Motion: Approve with the condition that the building is moved back

Far enough so that it is not extend in front of the house

(facing Ranch Drive)

He believes there is no hardship

The special circumstances are the corner lot

The building would make the property more enjoyable

It meets the spirit of zoning.

Second: Renee Armstrong

Passed unanimous

Administrative dates

The Board will meet on the first Tuesday of the month

Motion: To adopt meeting date

Second: Rob Armstrong

Passed unanimous

Motion: To adjourn – Chris Armstrong

Second: Dave Hartle

Passed unanimous

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