August 3, 2020 Council Meeting minutes

Daniel Town Council Meeting
Monday August 3, 2020 @ 6 PM
Wasatch County Service Complex,
Conference Room B
55 S 500 E, Heber City, UT 84032

Town Council Quorum: Mayor Chip Turner, Council members: Eric Bunker, John Glodowski and Stefanie Grady. Clerk Mary Snyder online for minutes; Treasurer Sherri Price present. Council member Merry Duggin excused.

Member of public: Shelly Bunker, Amelia Pays, Aimee Armer

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Turner.

Aimee Armer was present to introduce herself as a running candidate for Wasatch County Council seat. She stated that is excited to listen and learn about issues within the Town of Daniel. She stated that she feels that there is a need for some new blood within Wasatch County Council with a fresh new prospective of the issues and concerns in the valley. She has a background in health care and a master’s degree in public administration giving her unique skill set to bring to the table.

Council member Bunker asked about her seat that she currently holds on the Wasatch County Board of Adjustments. She stated that she was appointed in March of this year. Council member Bunker further asked about the time commitment. She stated that her job is thrilled about her serving and adjusting to accommodate for her to serve. Council member Bunker stated that the Wasatch County Council recently changed their meeting times to 3 PM and stated that a public meeting should be held when the public could come and asked her about her feelings on this issue. She stated that she agrees and feels that it is important for the public to state their feelings in matters.

Brent Waterman recently resigned from his seat and is open for replacement for the remainder of his term. Eric Bennett applied to occupy the seat.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the appointment of Eric Bennett to fill the remainder of this seat, seconded by Council member Bunker. For: Mayor Turner, Council member Bunker, Glodowski and Grady. Motion passes.

Mayor Turner stated that there was an additional comment for open comment. Council member Glodowski stated that he had a conversation with his neighbor Samantha Moll about the speeding in the area. He stated that he was recently doing improvements to his driveway and was able to validate her concern. It was suggested to possibly look at speed bumps made from rubber for different speeds that could be removed during the winter months to allow for plowing. He also stated that there are speed signs that could be obtained for temporary use from the Sherriff’s Office. Mayor Turner stated that this is a worthy item to add as an agenda item and asked Council for comments. Council member Grady stated that she would like to see this item on the agenda as she has witnessed this as well.

Council member Grady asked if we could talk about the recent fire as well for a moment. She asked if there was anything could be done due to the recent years and fires that have been started from target shooting. Mayor Turner stated that they are not able to stop shooting but trash has become an issue as well. There are signs in the area regarding trash dumping and being that it is state ground they could shut the ground down for trash and which could stop shooting as well.
Council member Glodowski stated that he would like to make a resolution that would support all County, State and Federal Law Enforcement and to affirm the commitment to the Constitution of America. Mayor Turner stated that this would be like the second amendment resolution and asked Council member Glodowski to work on the wording for the resolution and bring it back for presentation. He also asked Council if they would be against this. Council member Grady stated she is in favor of showing support to Law Enforcement.

Mayor Turner stated that because the full Council was not present, it was placed back on the agenda for review. From a vote standpoint he would prefer to have a full Council present and asked for their feeling. Council member Grady stated that she read the minutes from prior meeting. She stated that everyone works hard and feels that at this point with 2020, she feels that we need to be responsible and not impose pay raises. Mayor Turner stated that if the 3% increase would have been in place with the water, that potential we should have the same 3% in place for all staffing positions. He stated that feels very torn and feels that all employees are working just as hard if not harder. He feels that it is important to have a quorum present for the vote.

Council member Grady a motion to continue the employee wage discussion pending full Council for the month of September. This was seconded by Council member Glodowski. Mayor Turner asked Council member Grady if she would amend her motion to stated full quorum.
Council member Bunker that the motion is for a full council and stated whether there is a full council or not, we need to get the item off the agenda next month.

Council member Grady amended her motion to continue the employee wage compensation pending a full quorum, seconded by Council member Glodowski.

Council member Bunker stated that since the fire they had had multiple personal out with the fire, working on the Scada System all hours of the night and most are probably not aware of the hours being put into the Town. He stated that a 3% ($ 0.75) increase is a small token of appreciation for those that are doing an awesome job for the Town. He stated that it is ridiculous to have a discussion when he has also been one of the ones working after hours. Council member Glodowski stated that he agrees with Council member Bunker.

Council member Grady asked about who all he was referring to and stated that you cannot pick and choose who gets raises. He stated that he agrees and asked if she felt if there was anyone in the town that does not deserve the 3% increase. Council member Grady stated that it is an unprecedented time and need to be more responsible with how the town monies are spent and stated that a lot of people are not getting raises that are deserved. Council member Bunker stated that this is not considered a raise, but a small token of appreciation. Council member Grady stated that most companies give a 3% cost of living and feels that it can be put on hold for a year. She stated that she is not saying people do not deserve but feels that this is not the time. Council member Bunker stated that with all the events going on, more people are working harder and deserve an increase.

Council member Grady motioned to continue employee wage compensation pending a quorum, seconded by Council member Glodowski. For: Mayor Turner, Council members: Bunker, Grady and Glodowski.

NEW: None

RENEWALS: Suburban Propane
Council member Bunker stated that there is a complaint that there are trailers set up and someone living on site.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to postpone approval of Suburban Propane until further investigation of inhabitance of the property and bringing them back into compliance, seconded by Council member Grady.

Council member Bunker asked Clerk Mary Snyder to send out a letter advising of the complaint.

For: Mayor Turner, Council members Grady, Glodowski and Bunker. Motion passes.

Mayor Tuner stated that the water system worked well for the recent Daniel fire. Council member stated that the well was turned on and it was pumping faster than the water was being used. It caused an issue with the spring and chlorinating system which shut down the chlorine. The system had to reset and one of the units is still in error mode but is functioning correctly. Once Ryan Taylor is back in town, they will need to make additional repairs, but everything is working as needed.

Mary Snyder stated that she spoke with Jeremy Hales the Wasatch County Emergency Management, he stated that there is an emergency notification program that the public can sign up for and would be beneficial for future emergencies and helps provide information and updates to the public. Information has been uploaded to the town website as well as the town Facebook page.

Per the recent discussion and job detail for the water position opening, Council member Bunker indicated that noxious weed control and spray as well as Blue Stakes could be added to the job responsibility.

Shelly Bunker stated that the sewer had to be pumped again over the weekend. She also has implemented the new sewer billing this month that was approved.
Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the July 6, 2020 meeting minutes.

Council member Grady stated that she was not present for the meeting and she is was listed twice on the motions to approve.

Council member Glodowski made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for July 6, 2020 with the corrections of removing Council member Grady from the motions to approve, seconded by Council member Bunker. Members in favor: Mayor Turner, Council members Bunker and Glodowski. Council member Grady abstains.

9) RECORDER’S OFFICE: Warrants approval, announcements, etc.:
Council member Glodowski made a motion to approved the warrants for to include Smith & Hartvigsen, seconded by Council member Grady. For: Mayor Tuner, Council members Bunker, Glodowski, and Grady.

10) POSSIBLE CLOSED SESSION: Legal issues, Property acquisition
No closed session was held

Council member Glodowski made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Council member Gray. All members in favor at 6:54 PM.

Mary Snyder

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